Friday, December 27, 2013

Today is literally day of the rest of my life.... As it is for the rest of the planet, obviously. However, my life has been in a state of being 'on hold' since 2005.
No LONGER!!!  Not only is it day one of a 60 day juicing fast, as I am ridiculously overweight and unhealthy from the inside out, but also day one of removing everything else toxic from my life.
I have SO much to MOVE FORWARD to!!!  So, LET IT BEGIN.....
....on my first batch of juice and it's nearly noon....
not feeling badly, but have been told and have read that by tomorrow I probably WILL.  The good news, is that by day 4 I should feel like running a marathon, and that my skin will take on a glow that I haven't seen in years.  
I have to also be careful not to self sabotage by 'bad self talk'.... such as 'you'll never do this', all those things I've tended to say to myself over the past 7  years that have kept me from truly LIVING my life, as I've subconsciously watched it pass me by, wasting away in a depressed haze. 
NO MORE.... let it begin.  

1 comment:

  1. Literally THE FIRST DAY.... wow, really Andee??? typo on day one of blogging.... :/ ugh.... `gonna have to let it slide`
